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Pune, Maharashtra, India - Spectacular pentagonite cluster of crystals ! The cluster is 1.8x1.1 cm wide and shows greatly ! The color is the classic blue, the pentagonites are up to 0.5-0.6 cm in size and are well visible in the cluster. There are small stilbite crystals all around. Overall size is 7.3x4x3 cm.

Unit price: EURO 70,00



Pune, Maharashtra, India - Bright blue pentagonite cluster of 1.5x1.2 cm wide ! Lot of crystals up to 0.4 cm. The matrix of the specimen is completely covered by tiny heulandite crystals. Overall size is 5x4.5x3 cm

Unit price: EURO 35,00



Pune, Maharashtra, India - Nice pentagonite column of 1 cm in length. The cluster is completely composed by 1-3 mm pentagonite crystals, bright blue in color ! Overall size is 3.5x3x2 cm

Unit price: EURO 25,00



Pune, Maharashtra, India - A super pentagonite specimen ! The cluster of acicular pentagonite crystal is 2 cm long ! It is composed by the grouping of 3 spheroidal pentagonite formations, being the biggest 1.5 cm in size. The pentagonite acicular cryatls are up to 0.7 cm in size ! a great specimen of 4x4x3 cm in size

Unit price: EURO 50,00



Pune, Maharashtra, India -  A supe pentagonite specimen. This rock hosts a bright blue cluster of pentagonite crystals forming a spheroid of 2x1.5 cm in size ! The crystals are up to 0.3-0.5 cm ! Real showy specimen of 5.5x4x4 cm

Unit price: EURO 45,00

Pune, Maharashtra, India - This rocks hosts 2 complete and a partial spheroidal cluster of pentagonite. The spheroids are 0.6 cm in diameter and are nicely nested among stilbite crystals. Bright blue color ! Overall size is 4.5x4.5x2.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 25,00



Pune, Maharashtra, India - Nice cluster of bright pentagonite crystals forming a spheroid of 1x0.6 cm in size on a carpet of tiny stilbites. The crystals emerge from the cluster for 0.5  cm ! Nice rock of 4.5x3.5x2.5 cm

Unit price: EURO 30,00



Pune, Maharashtra, India - A super specimen ! This rock hosts a great pentagonite cluster on white stilbite crystals coating . Lot of pentagonite crystals form this bòue cluster ! The pentagonite is 1.3x1x1 cm in size and has a showy blue color ! A real nice specimen of 5x5x2.6 cm

Unit price: EURO 45,00



Pune, Maharashtra, India - Very bright cluster of pentagonote crystals ! The cluster is 1.5x0.7 cm in size and has a lot of pentagonites up to 0.7 cm. Very showy rock of 5x5x4 cm

Unit price: EURO 40,00