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Monteponi mine, Iglesias, Carbonia-Iglesias Province, Sardinia, Italy - A classic from this mine ! The specimen of galena hosts several phosgenite crystals grouped forming a cluster ! The crystals are up to 2 cm in size ! They show the classic yellow fluorescence under UV light. Great specimen ! Overall size is 7x7x5.5 cm. Weight is 595 gr

Unit price: EURO 265,00



Monteponi mine, Carbonia-Iglesias, Sardinia, Italy - A super phosgenite crystal of 6.4 cm in size ! A Museum quality an size specimen. The crystal is complete, no damage. It shows the contact with the matrix on the back and has a nice clarity, almost gemmy. The size is 6.4x2.2x1.1 cm. For more details see the last December 2014 Min Rec issue. Overall size is 4.7x3.2x2 cm. Ex Murroni collection

Unit price: EURO 550,00