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Minas gerais, Brazil - Nice terminated green tourmaline shows up on a partial feldspar crystal. The tourmaline is 1 cm in size. Overall size is 4.5x4x1.3 cm

Unit price: EURO 20,00



NAVEGADORES MINE,MINAS GERAIS, BRASIL - Fark helvite crystal of 0.6 cm in size shows up on the white albite of this specimen. Nice specimen of 3x2.5x2 cm.

Unit price: EURO 15,00



NaVegador mine, Conselhero, Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil -Very nice specimen with a lot of terminated helvite crystals dispersed on the top of an albite matrix. The helvites are perfectly terminated and up to 0.8 cm on the edge. There are more than 15-17 crystals here ! Showy rock of 4.2x3.5x3 cm in size. Ex Trinity Minerals collection

Unit price: EURO 40,00



Novo Horizonte, Bahia, Brazil - Bright hematite crystal of 3.8x3.4x0.6 cm with great luster.

Unit price: EURO 55,00
"Hubnerite & Quartz""Hubnerite & Quartz""Hubnerite & Quartz""Hubnerite & Quartz""Hubnerite & Quartz"

Mundo Nuevo, Pasto Bueno District, Pallasca Prov., Ancash Depart., Peru - Nice cluster of terminated quartz crystals up to the size of 5 cm ! There are various hubnerite crystals 0f 0.3-0.5 cm located at the base of the quartzes. Very nice specimen of 5x2.2x2 cm in size. Ex G. Tribbey Collection

Unit price: EURO 25,00
"Hubnerite & Quartz""Hubnerite & Quartz"

Labor Teo, Mundo Nuevo, La Libertad, Peru - A great specimen ! Neat floater cluster of quartz crystals, the prominent 14.0 cm in length and gemmy, these hosting lustrous blocky crystals of hubnerite to 1.5 cm. In terrific condition all around. Overall size is 4.5 x 4.5 x 3.0 cm

Unit price: EURO 70,00

TAQUARAL, MINAS GERAIS, BRASIL - A coverage of tiny crystals of Kosnarite shows on these terminated quartz crystals. There are a lot of kosnarite here ! Both quartz are terminated and up to 8 cm in size. Thse specimen is a floater since on the bottem there are micro quartz and kosnarite crystals. Overall size is 8.2x3.7x2.8 cm. Weight is 110 gr.

Unit price: EURO 180,00



Quiruvilca Mine, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru - Fine orange sparkling crystals of orpiment to 1.3 cm in height covering most of the top of this 4.0 x 3.5 x 1.5 cm matrix. In very fine condition for one of these orpiment's, with no real cleaving or chipping. Shows all around nicely.

Unit price: EURO 80,00

Siglo XX mine, Llallagua, Bustillo Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia - This piece features dozens of superb, incredibly rare, sharp, lustrous light green crystals of Paravauxite measuring up to 7 mm with tan colored crystals of Sigloite on iron-stained Wavellite on matrix. Sigloite forms as the result of alteration from Paravauxite. This specimen is from the type locality for both species ! This piece is a great example of the prismatic, sheaf-like parallel growths that are described on every mineralogy book on Bolivian minerals.Overall size is 7.8 x 6.5 x 2.3 cm

Unit price: EURO 75,00



UCHUCHACUA MINE, LIMA DEPT., PERU - A bright cluster of deep red proustite crystals show up on the top of this specimen. The crystals are terminated and up to 2 mm. The cluster size is 0.6x0.3 cm. Overall size of this specimen is 3x1.5x1 cm.

Unit price: EURO 60,00
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